Notes on YT 2022 Cybersecurity roadmap
Personal notes on the Youtube Video: 2022 Cybersecurity roadmap: How to get started? Might or might not be accurate.
- Learn programmming
- Experiment with networking protocol (IP addresses, Networking Protocol…)
- Linux courses / CTFs
- Certifications (Sec+, eJPT, OSCP)
Learn Programming Language
- Python (lingua franca for cybersecurity).
- Golang
- C or C++ (Optional?)
Special mention to Golang which is rapidly gaining in popularity due to its performance and ease of use.
Use Google to learn, there are a lot of free resources (docs, guide, courses…).
CTF is fun, let you check that you are learning with practical excercises. The best way to learn and apply new knownledge.
Absolute beginner should start with PicoCTF. Pico is targetted at high schooler which make it a great resource when starting from nothing. TryHackMe has a great learning path to guide you. HackTheBox is also similar.
OverTheWire let you learn to how to work on the command line. This one is important to really get into Linux.
Certifications And Degrees
Certifications help to get your foot into the door. Certifications like OSCP is a must but might be harder for beginner. Beware that OSCP now requires a lot of knownledge and practical experience on Microsoft Active Directory. CompTIA Security+ might be a better first certification to get, at least easier. After that Dabble with e-learn Security which is more a practical exam.
In Summary:
- CompTIA Security+
- e-learn Security Junior Penetration Tester (eJPT)
Degrees are similar but less necessary. Besides they are harder to get when already out of school.
Portfolio is also important to give a first impression. Like GitHub account, blog, projects, CTFs…
Be Open-Minded
Cybersecurity is large. There are a lot of different fields which may be more interesting to you. Keep searching to find what you are passionated about (encryption, blue team…).
Things change all the time, careers existing now did not exist 5 years ago. Continuous learning is the key.